Instructions to change info for facebook accounts using LDPlayer
Instructions to change info for facebook accounts using LDPlayer

Instructions to change info for facebook accounts using LDPlayer

Instructions to change info for facebook accounts using LDPlayer

Step 1: Open the Fplus software> select Using LdPlayer> Change info

Step 2: Choose your account
Click "All" to select all accounts added to the software (Tab: Account Management)
Click "Select account" to select the accounts you want to Change info on facebook.
Click” select Vm “ to choose the account in the virtual hostname to post and share wall or group articles

Step 3: Set the information you want to change
  • Change name: enter a list of names - last name notes one line at a time
  • Random name: change random in the list of names- the last name entered in Change Name
  • Change bio: to change the profile information on the profile page, enter text in the box next to
  • Change avatar: choose an image file on your computer for the software to take a random image to change your avatar - enter a description for the avatar in the box next to it if you want
  • Change Cover: change the cover image and choose the file to save the cover image, the software will randomize the image in the folder to change
  • Change university: change university information
  • Change high school: change high school information
  • Change Location: change current location information
  • Change hometown: change hometown information
  • Change work: change job information

  • Change GETSTARRT: change information, usually with a new account will display a message to change personal information
  • Enable Follow:Enable follow mode
  • Turn off load video: turn off video download mode to avoid wasting space
  • Change password: enter the password you want to change
  • Enable 2FA: turn on two-factor authentication for the account
  • Log Out All Other Sessions: logout of accounts on other sessions
  • Turn off fb app notifications: turn off Facebook app notifications
  • Turn Off Text Message
  • Random synchronization of phone numbers: you can choose the phone number to sync or select the phone number file to import
  • Public when posting
  • Delete login history

  • Number accounts / thread: Number of accounts you want to run at the same time
  • Reset Dcom when switching account
 Step 4: Set the time delay and click start


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